Running Forms

Many of us want to run faster, or farther, or with fewer injuries. This section, in about 14 tabs, compares different running forms from 53 'experts'.

Then, with the "Imperfect Practice to Find Your Perfect" method, you can follow the form guideline, exaggerate the movement one way, then the opposite way, and discover what is right for you. Try a bigger lean forward, then lean backwards. Try a straighter elbow then a very compact bend, etc.

Posture Running is focused on the 80%+ of the running we all do. That is, conversational running.

One cautionary note. Any changes you make in your running can cause little or large injuries. It is your responsibility to make changes in a healthy, safe, and injury free manner. This includes your running frequency, intensity, duration and technique. Small slow changes have the best chance of success and the best odds of not hurting yourself. Be smart. Check with your local experts first.