
Introduction: Good posture is THE first step to running properly. Good posture is not just while running or it will not be sustainable. Good posture is 24/7 while you walk, stand, sit, drive, sleep, and brush your teeth. Make it your habit. Your life.

Compare: Good Posture is not controversial. Posture is key with all running techniques.

Do: Align ear, shoulder and hip in a line. Nudge shoulders back. Relax all body that does not support good posture. Lower back is fairly flat with a slight natural curve.

Don't: Slouch or arch lower back.

Why: Appendages may not move correctly unless posture is correct first.

How 1: Pretend puppet string pulling up your crown (back of head) and pulling up your entire spine; appendages are limp…like Jell-O on a popsicle stick; nudge shoulder blades back.

How 2: Make sure you have great posture before you take your first step running. Walk with great posture before you start each run. Continuously monitor your posture all day and all during your runs.

Imperfect Practice: Puppet string shoulders back, then slouch, repeat.

Feel: If you feel like you look proud and if you feel like you look like you lost ten pounds, then you got it. When you run, if you feel like your pelvis/hips are weightless floating beneath your spine, then you have it. The hips will flow backwards effortlessly with each stride.

Story: I pulled and hurt my lower back dozens of times over decades. Once I practiced good posture, most of my back issues disappeared. Whenever one stops maintaining a strong upper body, good posture seems to lapse also.