Introduction: Little instruction needed for the head…..but doing it right is critical.
Compare: The "Other" running forms had many 'Head' instruction. All forms in sync.
Do: Look forward with chin in & down and jaw & face relaxed.
Don't: Have chin up or tighten your chin/face.
Why: Helps align posture. Less tripping when not look at feet. Sets up for a relaxed body.
How 1: Pretend a string is attached to the top back of your head pulling up.
How 2: Continuously monitor head, chin, face while running.
Imperfect Practice: Look at feet, transition to look at sky, find what is right for you.
Feel: Should feel like posture is good and above neck is relaxed.
Story: Posture can be hard to do consistently, after monitoring my chin, keeping posture was easier.