Data Sources
Below are the 53 public sources used in this running form comparison analysis.
Below are the number of times each body part was mentioned. Posture, arms and feet got the most attention.
The following pages summarize the different running forms in a table with a short analysis. Have fun learning.
Then, there was some judgement used to collect similar items into groups. Some was not grouped when it added a unique thought. Just because something is in a table does not mean that it is supported by this author...some are great and some are terrible.
Limitations of the table and source methodology:
The internet sources may not accurately describe the original author(s) running form
The summarization of the sources may not represent the sources intent
The table does not show priority of importance nor sequence while learning
Original sources do change and improve their approaches. The sources used may be stale.
The sources include some very intelligent people. However, a form that wins a popularity contest may not be right.